
Fractions are very important in daily life, and even more important if you study maths. They are really useful.   In this unit we are going to study them: represent a fraction, how to write and read them, and how to operate with them.

      In the next video you will learn the basic vocabulary related to fractions from the minute 4:30. Before this time you will have some problems that you can solve.  After you have seen the whole video try to  answer the questions below.

o   What does a fraction represent?
o   How do you  name the number on the top? And the other one on the bottom?
o   Explain what proper fractions and improper fractions are. Give some examples.
o   How do you write ½? And 3/2? Do it in two different ways.  Are they proper or improper fractions?
o   Write the next  fractions:2/3, 4/3, ¾, 5/4, 7/5, 7/6. Do it at least in two different ways.
o   From the video, give two examples of real life where you use fractions.
o   Answer the questions that the video proposes to you.

·      Now you can learn a song about fractions. 

Fractions' song.

Listen to  the song twice and try to fill in the gaps  in the lyrics below with an appropriate word.

Fractions lyrics with gaps 

·      Now you are going to discover what equivalent fractions are, and how to test whether or not two fractions are equivalent. 

o   What are equivalent fractions? Give some examples.
o   How could you test if two fractions are equivalent?
o   How can you find equivalent fractions? Give two examples
o   Find three fractions equivalent to 3/5.
o   Are there other ways to find equivalent fractions. Use 30/40 to explain it.


Here you are going to find some videos that explain  how to calculate with fractions.  
Watch them and answer the questions below each link.

o   How do you add or subtract fractions that have the same denominator?
o   What do you have to do to add or subtract fractions with different denominator? Explain the whole process with an example.
o   What do you do if you don’t  have a denominator? Give an example.
o   What could you calculate to find the same denominator of three different denominators?

o   Explain how do you multiply two fractions.
o   What should you do after you have added, subtracted or multiplied some fractions?
o   How could you simplify this operation 1/7·7/3 before doing it? And 22/3·6/11?
o   What do you do if you multiply a fraction by an integer?

Dividing fractions
o   What is the inverse of a fraction? Give some examples, some of them negative fractions.
o   How do you divide two fractions? Explain it and give some examples.
o   Explain another way to divide fractions and give some examples.

If you have filled in the fractions song's lyrics you can correct your answer in the link below.

Fractions lyrics' without gaps

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